Bulletproof Busyness - New Year’s Resolutions, part 1 of 2

It’s almost the new year… finally! Like many of you, I can’t wait for a fresh start in 2021. I usually start the year feeling hopeful and setting a few New Year’s Resolutions. As the year goes on, I see great progress on some resolutions and limited progress on others. 

I’m going to try something different this time. I will be transforming my New Year’s Resolutions into a two-part ritual this year, which I’ll cover in this post and the next post. This post will focus on how you can create more time in your day to bulletproof you against times when things get busy, so that you don’t have to sacrifice your resolution. The next post will focus on how you can set better resolutions that lead to action. 

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Setting Goals - New Year’s Resolutions, part 2 of 2


Making Time for Real Work